The NuGet team is excited to announce NuGet 2.7 release, for details please see the release notes published on
NuGet 2.7 Features
Package Restore by Default (with implicit consent)
- Automatic Package Restore in Visual Studio
- Simplified Package Restore from the Command-Line
Project Retargeting and Upgrade Build Errors/Warnings
NuGet Configuration Defaults
Renaming the Default Package Source
Performance Improvements
New Extensibility APIs
Development-Only Dependencies
Note that with NuGet 2.7, we have removed support for Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone due to technical limitations related to the new automatic package restore. A separate download is available for that version of Visual Studio and it can be found on the NuGet 2.7 downloads page on CodePlex.
Visual Studio 2013
NuGet 2.7 is the version of NuGet that will be included in Visual Studio 2013, with the exception of minor updates such as refreshed localization. When those updates are completed, we will republish NuGet 2.7, but no new features will be added.
Known Issues
There are two known issues with nuget.exe restore with the 2.7 release, and these will be fixed soon and the nuget.exe download will be updated along with the NuGet.CommandLine package.
- New package restore doesn’t work on Mono when using SLN file
- New package restore doesn’t work with Wix projects