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Integrating with Instagram using ASP.NET WebHooks Preview


In the blog Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET WebHooks Preview, we gave an overview of how to work with Microsoft ASP.NET WebHooks. We described how you get out-of-the-box support for a variety of WebHooks providers such as Dropbox, GitHub, MailChimp, PayPal, Slack, Salesforce, Trello, as well as being able to write your own.

In this blog we describe our latest addition integrating with Instagram which enables you to get notified as new images and videos are posted to their service. Instagram WebHooks support four kinds of subscriptions:

  • Users: receive notifications when users registered with your application post new photos.
  • Tags: receive notifications when a new photo is tagged with specific tags.
  • Locations: receive notifications when new photos are posted and tagged with a specific location.
  • Geographies: receive notifications when new photos are posted in a given geo location defined by a center point and radius.

The last one is my personal favorite as it is very easy to use and provides great opportunities for integration. In this blog we show how to subscribe using a geo location and receive updates as new images are posted.

Note: You can access the latest ASP.NET WebHooks online documentation for updates as well.

Configuring an Instagram Client

Assuming you have an Instagram account, go to their developer portal and define a Client which we will use for setting up the subscriptions. It should look something like this:


Note the Client ID and Client Secret– you will need these later. Also note that we don’t provide any subscription information here such as the WebHook URI or the kind of subscription. Rather, Instagram supports managing subscriptions through a REST API enabling you to list, create, and delete subscriptions for a given client.

Configuring Receiver

Before we go through the subscription process, let’s create a new Web Application project – a straight up Web API project will do:


Let’s set up the ASP.NET WebHook Receiver. First make sure you install the Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Instagram Nuget package into your ASP.NET application. Then the registration happens exactly like in the blog Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET WebHooks Preview by adding this line to the WebApiConfig.Register method:

namespace WebHookReceivers
publicstaticclass WebApiConfig
publicstaticvoid Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Web API configuration and services

// Web API routes

name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

// Load receivers

This time we set two application settings using the Instagram Client ID and Secret from before. As stated in the blog Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET WebHooks Preview, the preferred way to do this is to set it in the Azure Portal:

<addkey="MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_InstagramId"value="Instagram Client ID"/>
<addkey="MS_WebHookReceiverSecret_Instagram"value="Instagram Client Secret"/>

Configuring Instagram WebHook Client

The InstagramWebHookClient class makes it easier to talk to the Instagram subscription API as well as to retrieve information about images. It exposes methods for subscribing to any of the four mechanisms provided by Instagram as well as unsubscribing, and for getting additional information about posted images.
To wire it up, create a new class called Dependencies.cs (or if you want to be fancy, use a Dependency Injection Engine with ASP.NET Web API of your choice):
publicstaticclass Dependencies
privatestatic InstagramWebHookClient _client;

publicstaticvoid Initialize(HttpConfiguration config)
_client = new InstagramWebHookClient(config);

publicstatic InstagramWebHookClient Client
get { return _client; }

Now wire this up in the WebApiConfig.Register method by adding this line:
publicstaticclass WebApiConfig
publicstaticvoid Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Web API configuration and services

// Web API routes

name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

// Wire up dependencies

// Load receivers

The first place we will use the InstagramWebHookClient is in the WebHook Handler. The reason for this is that Instagram doesn’t include information about the posted media directly in the WebHook so we have to go get it separately. An example of a WebHook notification from Instagram looks like this:
"subscription_id": "1",
"object": "geography",
"object_id": "12345678",
"changed_aspect": "media",
"time": 1297286541

This means that we have to look up information about what media was actually posted as a second step. In the case of a geo location subscription, this can be done simply using the Client ID and Client Secret which we already have. For most other Instagram requests you need an OAuth token which takes more steps to obtain so here we will focus on images posted within a geo location.

Adding WebHook Handler

Now lets put together the WebHooks handler. For geo location subscriptions we simply use the InstagramWebHookClient for retrieving additional data and then extract information about the images posted:
publicclass InstagramWebHookHandler : WebHookHandler
public InstagramWebHookHandler()
this.Receiver = "instagram";

publicoverride async Task ExecuteAsync(string generator, WebHookHandlerContext context)
// Get the WebHook client
InstagramWebHookClient client = Dependencies.Client;

// Convert the incoming data to a collection of InstagramNotifications
var notifications = context.GetDataOrDefault<IEnumerable<InstagramNotification>>();
foreach (var notification in notifications)
// Use WebHook client to get detailed information about the posted media
var entries = await client.GetRecentGeoMedia(context.Id, notification.ObjectId);
foreach (JToken entry in entries)
// Get direct links and sizes of media
var thumbnail = entry["images"]["thumbnail"].ToObject<InstagramMedia>();
var lowres = entry["images"]["low_resolution"].ToObject<InstagramMedia>();
var std = entry["images"]["standard_resolution"].ToObject<InstagramMedia>();
The GetRecentGeoMedia method automatically keeps track of where it is so you only see the same image information once as long as you use the same InstagramWebHookClient instance. In the case above we extract information about three different image resolutions (thumbnail, low resolution, and standard resolution). However, the information provide by Instagram is very rich and we can extract much other information as well. Here are some examples what you can get from the entry above:
// Get link to the media on the Instagram website
string link = entry.Value<string>("link");

// Get caption for the media
var caption = entry["caption"].ToObject<InstagramCaption>();

// Get information about the user posting the media
var user = entry["user"].ToObject<InstagramUser>();

// Get location information about where the media was recorded.
var location = entry["location"].ToObject<InstagramLocation>();

Subscribing to Instagram

The last piece missing is subscribing to Instagram so that we can start receive notifications. To subscribe to a geo location, we need three parameters: The latitude and longitude as well as a radius defining the area we are looking for. The radius is described in meters and must be less than 5000 meters. I have had luck using the latitude and longitude of Times Square in New York and a radius of 5000 meters but it depends on the time of day. You can get the latitude and longitude using either Bing Maps or Google Maps. Using the former you create a push pin which will show you the coordinates:

Subscriptions are persisted by Instagram so we only have to subscribe once in order to receive notifications for a long time. You can imagine this being wired up in a variety of ways but here we use a simple controller exposing three actions for subscribing and unsubscribing. Create a new empty Web API controller class called InstagramSubscriptionController and fill it in as follows:

publicclass InstagramSubscriptionController : ApiController
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostSubscribe()
// Get our WebHook Client
InstagramWebHookClient client = Dependencies.Client;

// Subscribe to a geo location, in this case within 5000 meters of Times Square in NY
var sub = await client.SubscribeAsync(string.Empty, Url, 40.757626, -73.985794, 5000);

return Ok(sub);

public async Task PostUnsubscribeAll()
// Get our WebHook Client
InstagramWebHookClient client = Dependencies.Client;

// Unsubscribe from all subscriptions for the client configuration with id="".
await client.UnsubscribeAsync("");

public async Task PostUnsubscribe(string subId)
// Get our WebHook Client
InstagramWebHookClient client = Dependencies.Client;

// Unsubscribe from the given subscription using client configuration with id="".
await client.UnsubscribeAsync("", subId);

Trying it Out!

Once you have deployed the project, you can attach the debugger to it and wait for somebody to post a picture within the geo location area. Of course, if you pick your own current location then you can post something to Instagram yourself as well.

To subscribe, send an empty https POST request using Fiddler or similar to a URI like below. Make sure that it is https as this is required by Instagram:

The result should look something like this:
"id": "20048438",
"object": "geography",
"object_id": "11286394",
"callback_url": "https://<host>.net/api/webhooks/incoming/instagram"

Depending on the location you subscribed to and the time of day you will of course get different results in how frequent images are posted. However, you should see something like this:
Once the notifications start flowing there is no end to what you may do with them. You could for example save the links to a data base and show them as part of your Web UI, or kick off some additional processing – the opportunities are open!

To unsubscribe, send an empty POST request to a URI like this:

Ok, that’s it – you can now subscribe to Instagram asking for notifications when images are posted within a specific geo location and use ASP.NET WebHooks to easily get the information about the posted images so that you can use them in your Web application.
Have fun!


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