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Changes to the web and JSON editor APIs in Visual Studio 2019


In Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2, The Web Tools team made some changes to improve extensibility features for extension developers. To standardize interfaces, the CSS, HTML, JSON and CSHTML editors renamed their assemblies as per the following table:

Old New
Microsoft.CSS.Core Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Css
Microsoft.CSS.Editor Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Css.Editor
Microsoft.Html.Core Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Html
Microsoft.Html.Editor Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Html.Editor
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Html.Package Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Html.VS
Microsoft.JSON.Core Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Json
Microsoft.JSON.Editor Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Json.Editor
Microsoft.VisualStudio.JSON.Package Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Json.VS
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Extensions Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Extensions
Microsoft.Web.Core Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Shared
Microsoft.Web.Editor Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Shared.Editor

To avoid potential parse issues, the JSON parse tree changed behavior. When you call JsonParserService.GetTreeAsync, you now get a snapshot of the JSON parse tree. As an extension developer, you can now request and maintain snapshots of the JSON parse tree.

Announcing an easier way to use latest certificates from Key Vault


Posting on behalf of Prashanth Yerramilli

When we launched Azure Key Vault a few years ago, it solved a major problem users had which was that storing sensitive and/or secret information in code or config files in plain text causes multiple problems including security exposure. Users stored their secrets in a safe store like Key Vault and used a URI to fetch the secret material. This service has been wildly popular and has become a standard for cloud applications. It is used by fledling startups to Fortune 500 companies world over.

Developers use Key Vault to store their adhoc secrets, certificates and keys used for encryption. And to follow best security practices they create secrets that are short lived. An example of typical flow in this case could be

  • Step 1: Developer creates a certificate in Key Vault
  • Step 2: Developer sets the lifetime of the secret to be 30 day. In other words developer asks Key Vault to re-create the certificate every 30 days. Developer also chooses to receive an email when a certificate is about to expire
  • Step 3: Developer writes a polling service to check if the certificate has indeed expired

In the above scenario there are few challenges for the customer. They would have to write a polling service that constantly checks if the certificate has expired and if so they wait for the new certificate and then bind it in Windows Certificate manager.
Now what if developer doesn’t have to poll. And also if the developer doesn’t have to bind the new certificate in Windows Certificate manager. To solve this exact problem we built a Key Vault Virtual Machine Extension.

Azure virtual machine (VM) extensions are small applications that provide post-deployment configuration and automation tasks on Azure VMs. For example, if a virtual machine requires software installation, anti-virus protection, or to run a script inside of it, a VM extension can be used. Azure VM extensions can be run with the Azure CLI, PowerShell, Azure Resource Manager templates, and the Azure portal. Extensions can be bundled with a new VM deployment, or run against any existing system.
To learn more about VM Extensions please click here

Key Vault VM Extension is supposed to do just that as explained in the steps below

  • Step 1: Create a Key Vault and create an Azure Windows Virtual Machine
  • Step 2: Install the Key Vault VM Extension on the VM
  • Step 3: Configure Key Vault VM Extension to monitor a specific vault by specifying how often it should fetch the certificate

By doing the above steps the latest certificate is bound correctly in Windows Certificate Manager. This feature enables auto-rotation of SSL certificates, without necessitating a re-deployment or binding.

In the lifecycle of secrets management fetching the latest version of the secret (for the purpose of this article a certificate) is just as important as storing it securely. To solve this problem, on an Azure Virtual Machine, we’ve created a VM Extension for Windows. A Linux version is coming soon.
Virtual Machine Extensions are small applications that provide post-deployment configuration and automation tasks on Azure VMs. In this case the Key Vault Virtual Machine extension once installed fetches the latest version of the certificate at a specified interval and automatically binds the latest version of the certificate in the certificate store on Windows. As you can see this feature enables auto-rotation of SSL certificates, without necessitating a re-deployment or binding.

Also before we begin going through the tutorial, we need to understand a concept called Managed Identities.
Your code needs credentials to authenticate to cloud services, but you want to limit the visibility of those credentials as much as possible. Ideally, they never appear on a developer’s workstation or get checked-in to source control. Azure Key Vault can store credentials securely so they aren’t in your code, but to retrieve them you need to authenticate to Azure Key Vault. To authenticate to Key Vault, you need a credential! A classic bootstrap problem. Through the magic of Azure and Azure AD, MI provides a “bootstrap identity” that makes it much simpler to get things started.

Here’s how it works: When you enable MI for an Azure resource such as a virtual machine, Azure creates a Service Principal (an identity) for that resource in Azure AD, and injects the credentials (of that identity) into the resource (in this case a virtual machine).

  1. Your code calls a local MI endpoint to get an access token
  2. MI uses the locally injected credentials to get an access token from Azure AD
  3. Your code uses this access token to authenticate to an Azure service

Managed Identities

Now within Managed Identities there are 2 types

  1. System Assigned managed identity is enabled directly on an Azure service instance. When the identity is enabled, Azure creates an identity for the instance in the Azure AD tenant that’s trusted by the subscription. The lifecycle of the identity is managed by Azure and is tied to the Azure service instance.
  2. User Assigned managed identity is created as a standalone Azure resource. Users first create an identity and then assign that identity to one or more Azure resources.

In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to create a Azure Virtual Machine with an ARM template which also includes creating a Key Vault VM Extension on the VM.


Step 1

After the prerequisites are complete, create an System Assigned identity by following this tutorial

Step 2

Assign the newly created System Assigned identity to access to your Key Vault

  • Go to https://portal.azure.com and navigate to your Key Vault
  • Select Access Policies section and Add New by searching for the User Assigned identity

Step 3

Create or Update a VM with the following ARM template
You can view full the ARM template here and the ARM Parameters file here.

The most minimal settings in the ARM template are shown below:

            "secretsManagementSettings": {
                "observedCertificates": [
                    "<KeyVault URI of a secret to be monitored/retrieved, in versionless format: https://myVaultName.vault.azure.net/secrets/myCertName">,
                    "<more entries here>", 
                "pollingIntervalInS": "[parameters('kvvmextPollingInterval')]",

As you can see we only specify the observedCertificates parameter and polling Interval in seconds

Note: Your observedCertificates urls should be of the form:

and not:


Reason being the /secrets path returns the full certificate, inluding the private key, while the /certificates path does not.

By following this tutorial you can create a VM with the above specified template

The above tutorial assumes that you are storing your certificates on Windows Certificate Manager. And so the VM Extension pulls down the latest certificates at a specified interval and automatically binds those certificates in your certificate manager.

That’s all folks!

Linux Version: We’re actively working on a VM Extension for Linux and would love to hear any feedback you might have.

We are eager to hear from you about your use cases and how we can evolve the VM Extension to help you. So please reach out to us and add your feature requests to the Azure feedback forum. If you run into issues using the VM extension please reach out to us on StackOverflow.

Prashanth Yerramilli, Senior Program Manager, Azure Key Vault

Prashanth Yerramilli Profile Pic Prashanth Yerramilli is the Key Vault Program Manager on the Azure Security team. He has over 10 years of Software Engineering experience and brings to the team love for creating the ultimate development experience.

Prashanth can be reached at:
-Twitter @yvprashanth1
-GitHub https://github.com/yvprashanth

Microsoft’s Developer Blogs are Getting an Update


In the coming days, we’ll be moving our developer blogs to a new platform with a modern, clean design and powerful features that will make it easy for you to discover and share great content. This week, you’ll see the Visual Studio, IoTDev, and Premier Developer blogs move to a new URL  – while additional developer blogs will transition over the coming weeks. You’ll continue to receive all the information and news from our teams, including access to all past posts. Your RSS feeds will continue to seamlessly deliver posts and any of your bookmarked links will re-direct to the new URL location.

We’d love your feedback

Our most inspirational ideas have come from this community and we want to make sure our developer blogs are exactly what you need. Share your thoughts about the current blog design by taking our Microsoft Developer Blogs survey and tell us what you think! We would also love your suggestions for future topics that our authors could write about. Please use the survey to share what kinds of information, tutorials, or features you would like to see covered in future posts.

Frequently Asked Questions

For the most-asked questions, see the FAQ below. If you have any additional questions, ideas, or concerns that we have not addressed, please let us know by submitting feedback through the Developer Blogs FAQ page.

Will Saved/Bookmarked URLs Redirect?

Yes. All existing URLs will auto-redirect to the new site. If you discover any broken links, please report them through the FAQ feedback page.

Will My Feed Reader Still Send New Posts?

Yes, your RSS feed will continue to work through your current set-up. If you encounter any issues with your RSS feed, please report it with details about your feed reader.

Which Blogs Are Moving?

This migration involves the majority of our Microsoft developer blogs so expect to see changes to our Visual Studio, IoTDev, and Premier Developer blogs this week. The rest will be migrated in waves over the next few weeks.

We appreciate all of the feedback so far and look forward to showing you what we’ve been working on! For additional information about this blog migration, please refer to our Developer Blogs FAQ.

Migrating your existing on-prem SQL Server database to Azure SQL DB


If you are in the process of moving an existing .NET application to Azure, it’s likely you’ll have to migrate an existing, on-prem SQL database as well. There are a few different ways you can go about this, so let’s go through them.

Data Migration Assistant (downtime required)

The Data Migration Assistant (download | documentation) is free, easy to use, slick and extremely powerful! It can:

  • Evaluate if your database is ready to migrate and produce a readiness report (command line support included)
  • Provide recommendations for how to remediate migration blocking issues
  • Recommend the minimum Azure SQL Database SKU based on performance counter data of your existing database
  • Perform the actual migration of schema, data and objects (server roles, logins, etc.)

After a successful migration, applications will be able to connect to the target SQL server databases seamlessly. There are currently a couple of limitations, but the majority of databases shouldn’t be impacted. If this sounds interesting, check out the full tutorials on how to migrate to Azure SQL DB and how to migrate to Azure SQL DB Managed Instance.

Azure Data Migration Service (no downtime required)

The Azure Data Migration Service allows you to move your on-prem database to Azure without taking it offline during the migration. Applications can keep on running while the migration is taking place. Once the database in Azure is ready you can switch your applications over immediately.

If this sounds interesting, check out the full tutorials on how to migrate to Azure SQL DB and how to migrate to Azure SQL DB Managed Instance without downtime.

SQL Server Management Studio (downtime required)

You are probably already familiar with SQL Server Management Studio (download | documentation), but if you are not it’s basically an IDE for SQL Server built on top of the Visual Studio shell and it’s free! Unlike the Data Migration Assistant, it cannot produce readiness reports nor can it suggest remediating actions, but it can perform the actual migration two different ways.

The first way is by selecting the command “Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database…” which will bring up the migration wizard to take you through the process step by step:

The second way is by exporting the existing, on-prem database as a .bacpac file (docs to help with that) and then importing the .backpac file into Azure:


Resolving database migration compatibility issues

There are a wide variety of compatibility issues that you might encounter, depending both on the version of SQL Server in the source database and the complexity of the database you are migrating. Use the following resources, in addition to a targeted Internet search using your search engine of choices:

In addition to searching the Internet and using these resources, use the MSDN SQL Server community forums or StackOverflow. If you have any questions or problems just leave us a comment below.


ASP.NET SignalR 2.4.0


We’ve just shipped the final 2.4.0 version of ASP.NET SignalR, the version of SignalR for System.Web and/or OWIN-based applications. As we mentioned in a previous post on the future of ASP.NET SignalR, 2.4.0 is a minor release which contains some small bug fixes and updates. The majority of the features and fixes we implemented for ASP.NET SignalR were outlined in the 2.4.0 Preview 2 post.

Support for StackExchange Redis 2.0

In 2.4.0 we’re adding support for the new 2.0 release of the StackExchange.Redis package. If you’re using StackExchange’s Redis package in your SignalR apps and you want to update to the StackExchange Redis 2.0 version, you’ll need to remove your existing package reference to Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Redis, then add a reference to the new Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.StackExchangeRedis package.

Once you make the package reference changes, you’ll also want to replace calls to the UseRedis method with UseStackExchangeRedis.

Your Feedback is Welcome and Appreciated

We recommend you try upgrading to 2.4.0. Your feedback is critical to making sure we produce a stable and compatible update, and has contributed to the continued success of our real-time libraries! You can find details about the release on the releases page of the ASP.NET SignalR GitHub repository.

The post ASP.NET SignalR 2.4.0 appeared first on ASP.NET Blog.

Microsoft’s Developer Blogs are Getting an Update


In the coming days, we’ll be moving our developer blogs to a new platform with a modern, clean design and powerful features that will make it easy for you to discover and share great content. This week, you’ll see the Visual Studio, IoTDev, and Premier Developer blogs move to a new URL  – while additional developer blogs will transition over the coming weeks. You’ll continue to receive all the information and news from our teams, including access to all past posts. Your RSS feeds will continue to seamlessly deliver posts and any of your bookmarked links will re-direct to the new URL location.

We’d love your feedback

Our most inspirational ideas have come from this community and we want to make sure our developer blogs are exactly what you need. Share your thoughts about the current blog design by taking our Microsoft Developer Blogs survey and tell us what you think! We would also love your suggestions for future topics that our authors could write about. Please use the survey to share what kinds of information, tutorials, or features you would like to see covered in future posts.

Frequently Asked Questions

For the most-asked questions, see the FAQ below. If you have any additional questions, ideas, or concerns that we have not addressed, please let us know by submitting feedback through the Developer Blogs FAQ page.

Will Saved/Bookmarked URLs Redirect?

Yes. All existing URLs will auto-redirect to the new site. If you discover any broken links, please report them through the FAQ feedback page.

Will My Feed Reader Still Send New Posts?

Yes, your RSS feed will continue to work through your current set-up. If you encounter any issues with your RSS feed, please report it with details about your feed reader.

Which Blogs Are Moving?

This migration involves the majority of our Microsoft developer blogs so expect to see changes to our Visual Studio, IoTDev, and Premier Developer blogs this week. The rest will be migrated in waves over the next few weeks.

We appreciate all of the feedback so far and look forward to showing you what we’ve been working on! For additional information about this blog migration, please refer to our Developer Blogs FAQ.

The post Microsoft’s Developer Blogs are Getting an Update appeared first on ASP.NET Blog.

Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server


In my previous blog post I talked about how to migrate data from existing on-prem SQL Server instances to Azure SQL Database. If you haven’t heard SQL Server 2008 end of support is coming this summer, so it’s a good time to evaluate moving to an Azure SQL Database.

If you decide to try Azure, chances are you will not be able to immediately move 100% of your on-prem databases and relevant applications in one go. You’ll probably come up with a migration plan that spans weeks, months or even years. During the migration phase you will be spinning up new instances of Azure SQL Database and turning off on-prem SQL Server instances, but for a little bit of time there will be overlap.

To help manage the cost during such transitions we offer the Azure Hybrid Benefit. You can convert 1 core of SQL Enterprise edition to get up to 4 vCores of Azure SQL Database at a reduced rate. For example, if you have 4 core licenses of SQL Enterprise edition, you can receive up to 16 vCores of Azure SQL Database.

If you want to learn more check out the Azure Hybrid Benefit FAQ and don’t forget, if you have any questions around migrating your .NET applications to Azure you can always ask for free assistance. If you have any questions about this post just leave us a comment below.

The post Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server appeared first on ASP.NET Blog.

ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 3

Blazor 0.9.0 experimental release now available

Blazor 0.7.0 experimental release now available


Blazor 0.7.0 is now available! This release focuses on enabling component coordination across ancestor-descendent relationships. We've also added some improvements to the debugging experience.

Here's what's new in the Blazor 0.7.0 release:

  • Cascading values and parameters
  • Debugging improvements

A full list of the changes in this release can be found in the Blazor 0.7.0 release notes.

Get Blazor 0.7.0

Install the following:

  1. .NET Core 2.1 SDK (2.1.500 or later).
  2. Visual Studio 2017 (15.9 or later) with the ASP.NET and web development workload selected.
  3. The latest Blazor Language Services extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
  4. The Blazor templates on the command-line:

    dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates

You can find getting started instructions, docs, and tutorials for Blazor at https://blazor.net.

Upgrade an existing project to Blazor 0.7.0

To upgrade a Blazor 0.6.0 project to 0.7.0:

  • Install the prerequisites listed above.
  • Update the Blazor packages and .NET CLI tool references to 0.7.0. The upgraded Blazor project file should look like this:

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
        <RunArguments>blazor serve</RunArguments>
        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Browser" Version="0.7.0" />
        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Build" Version="0.7.0" />
        <DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Cli" Version="0.7.0" />

That's it! You're now ready to try out the latest Blazor features.

Cascading values and parameters

Blazor components can accept parameters that can be used to flow data into a component and impact the component's rendering. Parameter values are provided from parent component to child component. Sometimes, however, it's inconvenient to flow data from an ancestor component to a descendent component, especially when there are many layers in between. Cascading values and parameters solve this problem by providing a convenient way for an ancestor component to provide a value that is then available to all descendent components. They also provide a great way for components to coordinate.

For example, if you wanted to provide some theme information for a specific part of your app you could flow the relevant styles and classes from component to component, but this would be tedious and cumbersome. Instead, a common ancestor component can provide the theme information as a cascading value that descendents can accept as a cascading parameter and then consume as needed.

Let's say the following ThemeInfo class specifies all of the theme information that you want to flow down the component hierarchy so that all of the buttons within that part of your app share the same look and feel:

public class ThemeInfo 
    public string ButtonClass { get; set; }

An ancestor component can provide a cascading value using the CascadingValue component. The CascadingValue component wraps a subtree of the component hierarchy and specifies a single value that will be available to all components within that subtree. For example, we could specify the theme info in our application layout as a cascading parameter for all components that make up the layout body like this:

@inherits BlazorLayoutComponent

<div class="sidebar">
    <NavMenu />

<div class="main">
    <div class="top-row px-4">
        <a href="http://blazor.net" target="_blank" class="ml-md-auto">About</a>

    <CascadingValue Value="@theme">
        <div class="content px-4">

@functions {
    ThemeInfo theme = new ThemeInfo { ButtonClass = "btn-success" };

To make use of cascading values, components can declare cascading parameters using the [CascadingParameter] attribute. Cascading values are bound to cascading parameters by type. In the following example the Counter component is modified to have a cascading parameter that binds to the ThemeInfo cascading value, which is then used to set the class for the button.

@page "/counter"


<p>Current count: @currentCount</p>

<button class="btn @ThemeInfo.ButtonClass" onclick="@IncrementCount">Click me</button>

@functions {
    int currentCount = 0;

    [CascadingParameter] protected ThemeInfo ThemeInfo { get; set; }

    void IncrementCount()

When we run the app we can see that the new style is applied:

Counter with cascading parameter

Cascading parameters also enable components to collaborate across the component hierarchy. For example, let's say you have a TabSet component that contains a number of Tab components, like this:

    <Tab Title="First tab">
        <h4>First tab</h4>
        This is the first tab.

    @if (showSecondTab)
        <Tab Title="Second">
            <h4>Second tab</h4>
            You can toggle me.

    <Tab Title="Third">
        <h4>Third tab</h4>

            <input type="checkbox" bind=@showSecondTab />
            Toggle second tab

In this example the child Tab components are not explicitly passed as parameters to the TabSet. Instead they are simply part of the child content of the TabSet. But the TabSet still needs to know about each Tab so that it can render the headers and the active tab. To enable this coordination without requiring any specific wire up from the user, the TabSet component can provide itself as a cascading value that can then be picked up by the descendent Tab components:

In TabSet.cshtml

<!-- Display the tab headers -->
<CascadingValue Value=this>
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs">

This allows the descendent Tab components to capture the containing TabSet as a cascading parameter, so they can add themselves to the TabSet and coordinate on which Tab is active:

In Tab.cshtml

[CascadingParameter] TabSet ContainerTabSet { get; set; }

Check out the full TabSet sample here.

Debugging improvements

In Blazor 0.5.0 we added some very preliminary support for debugging client-side Blazor apps in the browser. While this initial debugging support demonstrated that debugging .NET apps in the browser was possible, it was still a pretty rough experience. Blazor 0.7.0 picks up the latest runtime updates, which includes some fixes that makes the debugging experience more reliable. You can now more reliably set and remove breakpoints, and the reliability of step debugging has been improved.

Improved Blazor debugging

Give feedback

We hope you enjoy this latest preview release of Blazor. As with previous releases, your feedback is important to us. If you run into issues or have questions while trying out Blazor, file issues on GitHub. You can also chat with us and the Blazor community on Gitter if you get stuck or to share how Blazor is working for you. After you've tried out Blazor for a while please let us know what you think by taking our in-product survey. Click the survey link shown on the app home page when running one of the Blazor project templates:

Blazor survey

Thanks for trying out Blazor!

Razor support in Visual Studio Code now in Preview


Earlier this week we released a preview of support for working with Razor files (.cshtml) in the C# extension for Visual Studio Code (1.17.1). This initial release introduces C# completions, directive completions, and basic diagnostics (red squiggles for errors) for ASP.NET Core projects.


To use this preview of Razor support in Visual Studio Code install the following:

If you already installed VS Code and the C# extension in the past, make sure you have updated to the latest versions of both.

Get started

To try out the new Razor tooling, create a new ASP.NET Core web app and then edit any Razor (.cshtml) file.

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Select Terminal > New Terminal
  3. In the new terminal run:

    dotnet new webapp -o WebApp1`
    code -r WebApp1
  4. Open About.cshtml

  5. Try out HTML completions

    HTML completions

  6. And Razor directive completions

    Directive completions

  7. And C# completions

    C# completions

  8. You also get diagnostics (red squiggles)

    C# diagnostics

Limitations and known issues

This is the first alpha release of the Razor tooling for Visual Studio Code, so there are a number of limitations and known issues:

  • Razor editing is currently only supported in ASP.NET Core projects (no support for ASP.NET projects or Blazor projects yet)
  • Support for tag helpers and formatting is not yet implemented
  • Limited support for colorization
  • Loss of HTML completions following C# less than (<) operator
  • Error squiggles misaligned for expressions near the start of a new line
  • Incorrect errors in Blazor projects for event bindings
  • Emmet based abbreviation expansion is not yet supported

Note that if you need to disable the Razor tooling for any reason:

  • Open the Visual Studio Code User Settings: File -> Preferences -> Settings
  • Search for "razor"
  • Check the "Razor: Disabled" checkbox


Even though the functionality of Razor tooling is currently pretty limited, we are shipping this preview now so that we can start collecting feedback. Any issues or suggestions for the Razor tooling in Visual Studio Code should be reported on the https://github.com/aspnet/Razor.VSCode repo.

To help us diagnose any reported issues please provide the following information in the GitHub issue:

  1. Razor (cshtml) file content
  2. Generated C# code from the Razor CSharp output
    • Right-click inside your .cshtml file and select "Command Palette"
    • Search for and select "Razor: Show Razor CSharp"
  3. Verbose Razor log output
    • See instructions for capturing the Razor log output here
  4. OmniSharp log output
    • Open VS Code's "Output" pane
    • In the dropdown choose "OmniSharp Log"

What's next?

Next up we are working on tag helper support. This will include support for tag helper completions and IntelliSense. Once we have tag helper tooling support in place we can then start work on enabling Blazor tooling support as well. Follow our progress and join in the conversation on the https://github.com/aspnet/Razor.VSCode repo.

Thanks for trying out this early preview!

Announcing ASP.NET Core 2.2, available today!


I’m happy to announce that ASP.NET Core 2.2 is available as part of .NET Core 2.2 today!

How to get it

You can download the new .NET Core SDK (2.2.100) for your dev machine and build servers from the .NET Core 2.2 download page. New Windows Server hosting, runtime installers and binary archives are also available from this page for updating servers.

This release updates .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, and Entity Framework Core to version 2.2.0. The new SDK version is 2.2.100. Visual Studio requirements are as follows:

Visual Studio 2019 16.0 Preview 1, also available today, includes the .NET Core SDK 2.2.100 as an optional component.

What’s new?

The main theme for this ASP.NET Core release was to improve developer productivity and platform functionality with regard to building Web/HTTP APIs. As usual, we made some performance improvements as well. We’ve posted about these features as part of the preview releases and you as such you can read about them by following the links below:

Health Checks integration with BeatPulse

We’re happy to announce that the BeatPulse project now supports the new Health Checks API, which means you can easily add checks for dozens of popular systems and dependencies using their great support. Here’s a message from the BeatPulse team about their support for our new Health Checks API:

BeatPulse is a community driven project that was created to provide health checking mechanisms for systems, networking and a wide variety of services that are common within the enterprise, e.g. SqlServer, MySql,Postgress, Redis, Kafka and many more . When Microsoft announced ASP.NET Core Health Checks for the 2.2 roadmap, the BeatPulse team ported all the existing liveness packages and features to work with the new Microsoft Health Checks abstractions at the repository AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks. Apart from all the health checking packages, the BeatPulse team also incorporates other features like pulse tracking (Application Insights and Prometheus), failure notifications and a UI interface were we can configure different monitored systems and have a global view of health status. This UI is available as a Docker image published in Docker Hub.

More coming soon

When we announced planning for ASP.NET Core 2.2, we mentioned a number of features that aren’t detailed above, including API Authorization with IdentityServer4, Open API (Swagger) driven client code generation, and the HTTP REPL command line tool. These features are still being worked on and aren’t quite ready for release, however we expect to make them available as add-ons in the coming months. Thanks for your patience while we complete these experiences and get them ready for you all to try out.

Migrating a project to ASP.NET Core 2.2

To migrate an ASP.NET Core project from 2.1 to 2.2, open the project’s .csproj file and change the value of the TargetFramework element to netcoreapp2.2. You do not need to do this if you’re targeting .NET Framework 4.x.

Finish by updating your NuGet package references to the latest stable versions. Note that projects targeting .NET Core (rather than .NET Framework) should not have a package version specified for the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App package reference as this will be managed automatically by the SDK. Doing so will now result in a build warning.

For more information on upgrading to ASP.NET Core 2.2 see here.

Support life cycle

ASP.NET Core 2.2 is the latest release in the “Current” .NET Core train. This represents the first release since the declaration of 2.1 LTS that reestablishes a separate LTS and Current train. The Current train is where new features, enhancements, and regular bug fixes are applied and is recommended for most customers. Note that both LTS and Current releases receive servicing updates for security and critical stability fixes. It is currently expected that 2.2 will the last non-servicing release in the 2.x life cycle, and as such customers not using an LTS release will need to migrate to 3.0 GA, within 3 months of its release in the second half of 2019 in order to remain supported.

Read more about the .NET Core support policy here.

Availability in Azure App Service

The .NET Core 2.2 SDK, runtime, and updated ASP.NET Core IIS Module are in the process of being deployed to Azure App Service regions around the world. We expect this to be completed before the end of December 2018.

Some regions may receive the updated runtime before the updated ASP.NET Core IIS Module (ANCM), which is required by default for projects targeting ASP.NET Core 2.2. It’s also a requirement for the new in-process hosting feature. If you receive startup errors after deploying to Azure App Service, try configuring your project to use the existing version of ANCM by setting the AspNetCoreModule property to the value “AspNetCoreModule”, e.g.:


Once the target region has been updated with the latest ANCM version, you can remove that property altogether and redeploy the application to have it switch to using the new ANCM.

This release also adds better 64-bit support for .NET Core in Azure App Service. If you’re running your ASP.NET Core application on .NET Core 2.2 with in-process hosting, you can simply enable the 64-bit option in the Azure Portal and the site will now run in a 64-bit process. For other information on how to run your ASP.NET Core application in a 64-bit process in Azure App Service with other configurations, see this article.

Giving feedback

As always, please provide us feedback by logging issues at https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore. We look forward to hearing from you!

Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server

ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 3

Blazor 0.9.0 experimental release now available

Blazor 0.7.0 experimental release now available


Blazor 0.7.0 is now available! This release focuses on enabling component coordination across ancestor-descendent relationships. We've also added some improvements to the debugging experience.

Here's what's new in the Blazor 0.7.0 release:

  • Cascading values and parameters
  • Debugging improvements

A full list of the changes in this release can be found in the Blazor 0.7.0 release notes.

Get Blazor 0.7.0

Install the following:

  1. .NET Core 2.1 SDK (2.1.500 or later).
  2. Visual Studio 2017 (15.9 or later) with the ASP.NET and web development workload selected.
  3. The latest Blazor Language Services extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
  4. The Blazor templates on the command-line:

    dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates

You can find getting started instructions, docs, and tutorials for Blazor at https://blazor.net.

Upgrade an existing project to Blazor 0.7.0

To upgrade a Blazor 0.6.0 project to 0.7.0:

  • Install the prerequisites listed above.
  • Update the Blazor packages and .NET CLI tool references to 0.7.0. The upgraded Blazor project file should look like this:

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
        <RunArguments>blazor serve</RunArguments>
        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Browser" Version="0.7.0" />
        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Build" Version="0.7.0" />
        <DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Cli" Version="0.7.0" />

That's it! You're now ready to try out the latest Blazor features.

Cascading values and parameters

Blazor components can accept parameters that can be used to flow data into a component and impact the component's rendering. Parameter values are provided from parent component to child component. Sometimes, however, it's inconvenient to flow data from an ancestor component to a descendent component, especially when there are many layers in between. Cascading values and parameters solve this problem by providing a convenient way for an ancestor component to provide a value that is then available to all descendent components. They also provide a great way for components to coordinate.

For example, if you wanted to provide some theme information for a specific part of your app you could flow the relevant styles and classes from component to component, but this would be tedious and cumbersome. Instead, a common ancestor component can provide the theme information as a cascading value that descendents can accept as a cascading parameter and then consume as needed.

Let's say the following ThemeInfo class specifies all of the theme information that you want to flow down the component hierarchy so that all of the buttons within that part of your app share the same look and feel:

public class ThemeInfo 
    public string ButtonClass { get; set; }

An ancestor component can provide a cascading value using the CascadingValue component. The CascadingValue component wraps a subtree of the component hierarchy and specifies a single value that will be available to all components within that subtree. For example, we could specify the theme info in our application layout as a cascading parameter for all components that make up the layout body like this:

@inherits BlazorLayoutComponent

<div class="sidebar">
    <NavMenu />

<div class="main">
    <div class="top-row px-4">
        <a href="http://blazor.net" target="_blank" class="ml-md-auto">About</a>

    <CascadingValue Value="@theme">
        <div class="content px-4">

@functions {
    ThemeInfo theme = new ThemeInfo { ButtonClass = "btn-success" };

To make use of cascading values, components can declare cascading parameters using the [CascadingParameter] attribute. Cascading values are bound to cascading parameters by type. In the following example the Counter component is modified to have a cascading parameter that binds to the ThemeInfo cascading value, which is then used to set the class for the button.

@page "/counter"


<p>Current count: @currentCount</p>

<button class="btn @ThemeInfo.ButtonClass" onclick="@IncrementCount">Click me</button>

@functions {
    int currentCount = 0;

    [CascadingParameter] protected ThemeInfo ThemeInfo { get; set; }

    void IncrementCount()

When we run the app we can see that the new style is applied:

Counter with cascading parameter

Cascading parameters also enable components to collaborate across the component hierarchy. For example, let's say you have a TabSet component that contains a number of Tab components, like this:

    <Tab Title="First tab">
        <h4>First tab</h4>
        This is the first tab.

    @if (showSecondTab)
        <Tab Title="Second">
            <h4>Second tab</h4>
            You can toggle me.

    <Tab Title="Third">
        <h4>Third tab</h4>

            <input type="checkbox" bind=@showSecondTab />
            Toggle second tab

In this example the child Tab components are not explicitly passed as parameters to the TabSet. Instead they are simply part of the child content of the TabSet. But the TabSet still needs to know about each Tab so that it can render the headers and the active tab. To enable this coordination without requiring any specific wire up from the user, the TabSet component can provide itself as a cascading value that can then be picked up by the descendent Tab components:

In TabSet.cshtml

<!-- Display the tab headers -->
<CascadingValue Value=this>
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs">

This allows the descendent Tab components to capture the containing TabSet as a cascading parameter, so they can add themselves to the TabSet and coordinate on which Tab is active:

In Tab.cshtml

[CascadingParameter] TabSet ContainerTabSet { get; set; }

Check out the full TabSet sample here.

Debugging improvements

In Blazor 0.5.0 we added some very preliminary support for debugging client-side Blazor apps in the browser. While this initial debugging support demonstrated that debugging .NET apps in the browser was possible, it was still a pretty rough experience. Blazor 0.7.0 picks up the latest runtime updates, which includes some fixes that makes the debugging experience more reliable. You can now more reliably set and remove breakpoints, and the reliability of step debugging has been improved.

Improved Blazor debugging

Give feedback

We hope you enjoy this latest preview release of Blazor. As with previous releases, your feedback is important to us. If you run into issues or have questions while trying out Blazor, file issues on GitHub. You can also chat with us and the Blazor community on Gitter if you get stuck or to share how Blazor is working for you. After you've tried out Blazor for a while please let us know what you think by taking our in-product survey. Click the survey link shown on the app home page when running one of the Blazor project templates:

Blazor survey

Thanks for trying out Blazor!

Razor support in Visual Studio Code now in Preview


Earlier this week we released a preview of support for working with Razor files (.cshtml) in the C# extension for Visual Studio Code (1.17.1). This initial release introduces C# completions, directive completions, and basic diagnostics (red squiggles for errors) for ASP.NET Core projects.


To use this preview of Razor support in Visual Studio Code install the following:

If you already installed VS Code and the C# extension in the past, make sure you have updated to the latest versions of both.

Get started

To try out the new Razor tooling, create a new ASP.NET Core web app and then edit any Razor (.cshtml) file.

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Select Terminal > New Terminal
  3. In the new terminal run:

    dotnet new webapp -o WebApp1`
    code -r WebApp1
  4. Open About.cshtml

  5. Try out HTML completions

    HTML completions

  6. And Razor directive completions

    Directive completions

  7. And C# completions

    C# completions

  8. You also get diagnostics (red squiggles)

    C# diagnostics

Limitations and known issues

This is the first alpha release of the Razor tooling for Visual Studio Code, so there are a number of limitations and known issues:

  • Razor editing is currently only supported in ASP.NET Core projects (no support for ASP.NET projects or Blazor projects yet)
  • Support for tag helpers and formatting is not yet implemented
  • Limited support for colorization
  • Loss of HTML completions following C# less than (<) operator
  • Error squiggles misaligned for expressions near the start of a new line
  • Incorrect errors in Blazor projects for event bindings
  • Emmet based abbreviation expansion is not yet supported

Note that if you need to disable the Razor tooling for any reason:

  • Open the Visual Studio Code User Settings: File -> Preferences -> Settings
  • Search for "razor"
  • Check the "Razor: Disabled" checkbox


Even though the functionality of Razor tooling is currently pretty limited, we are shipping this preview now so that we can start collecting feedback. Any issues or suggestions for the Razor tooling in Visual Studio Code should be reported on the https://github.com/aspnet/Razor.VSCode repo.

To help us diagnose any reported issues please provide the following information in the GitHub issue:

  1. Razor (cshtml) file content
  2. Generated C# code from the Razor CSharp output
    • Right-click inside your .cshtml file and select "Command Palette"
    • Search for and select "Razor: Show Razor CSharp"
  3. Verbose Razor log output
    • See instructions for capturing the Razor log output here
  4. OmniSharp log output
    • Open VS Code's "Output" pane
    • In the dropdown choose "OmniSharp Log"

What's next?

Next up we are working on tag helper support. This will include support for tag helper completions and IntelliSense. Once we have tag helper tooling support in place we can then start work on enabling Blazor tooling support as well. Follow our progress and join in the conversation on the https://github.com/aspnet/Razor.VSCode repo.

Thanks for trying out this early preview!

Announcing ASP.NET Core 2.2, available today!


I’m happy to announce that ASP.NET Core 2.2 is available as part of .NET Core 2.2 today!

How to get it

You can download the new .NET Core SDK (2.2.100) for your dev machine and build servers from the .NET Core 2.2 download page. New Windows Server hosting, runtime installers and binary archives are also available from this page for updating servers.

This release updates .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, and Entity Framework Core to version 2.2.0. The new SDK version is 2.2.100. Visual Studio requirements are as follows:

Visual Studio 2019 16.0 Preview 1, also available today, includes the .NET Core SDK 2.2.100 as an optional component.

What’s new?

The main theme for this ASP.NET Core release was to improve developer productivity and platform functionality with regard to building Web/HTTP APIs. As usual, we made some performance improvements as well. We’ve posted about these features as part of the preview releases and you as such you can read about them by following the links below:

Health Checks integration with BeatPulse

We’re happy to announce that the BeatPulse project now supports the new Health Checks API, which means you can easily add checks for dozens of popular systems and dependencies using their great support. Here’s a message from the BeatPulse team about their support for our new Health Checks API:

BeatPulse is a community driven project that was created to provide health checking mechanisms for systems, networking and a wide variety of services that are common within the enterprise, e.g. SqlServer, MySql,Postgress, Redis, Kafka and many more . When Microsoft announced ASP.NET Core Health Checks for the 2.2 roadmap, the BeatPulse team ported all the existing liveness packages and features to work with the new Microsoft Health Checks abstractions at the repository AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks. Apart from all the health checking packages, the BeatPulse team also incorporates other features like pulse tracking (Application Insights and Prometheus), failure notifications and a UI interface were we can configure different monitored systems and have a global view of health status. This UI is available as a Docker image published in Docker Hub.

More coming soon

When we announced planning for ASP.NET Core 2.2, we mentioned a number of features that aren’t detailed above, including API Authorization with IdentityServer4, Open API (Swagger) driven client code generation, and the HTTP REPL command line tool. These features are still being worked on and aren’t quite ready for release, however we expect to make them available as add-ons in the coming months. Thanks for your patience while we complete these experiences and get them ready for you all to try out.

Migrating a project to ASP.NET Core 2.2

To migrate an ASP.NET Core project from 2.1 to 2.2, open the project’s .csproj file and change the value of the TargetFramework element to netcoreapp2.2. You do not need to do this if you’re targeting .NET Framework 4.x.

Finish by updating your NuGet package references to the latest stable versions. Note that projects targeting .NET Core (rather than .NET Framework) should not have a package version specified for the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App package reference as this will be managed automatically by the SDK. Doing so will now result in a build warning.

For more information on upgrading to ASP.NET Core 2.2 see here.

Support life cycle

ASP.NET Core 2.2 is the latest release in the “Current” .NET Core train. This represents the first release since the declaration of 2.1 LTS that reestablishes a separate LTS and Current train. The Current train is where new features, enhancements, and regular bug fixes are applied and is recommended for most customers. Note that both LTS and Current releases receive servicing updates for security and critical stability fixes. It is currently expected that 2.2 will the last non-servicing release in the 2.x life cycle, and as such customers not using an LTS release will need to migrate to 3.0 GA, within 3 months of its release in the second half of 2019 in order to remain supported.

Read more about the .NET Core support policy here.

Availability in Azure App Service

The .NET Core 2.2 SDK, runtime, and updated ASP.NET Core IIS Module are in the process of being deployed to Azure App Service regions around the world. We expect this to be completed before the end of December 2018.

Some regions may receive the updated runtime before the updated ASP.NET Core IIS Module (ANCM), which is required by default for projects targeting ASP.NET Core 2.2. It’s also a requirement for the new in-process hosting feature. If you receive startup errors after deploying to Azure App Service, try configuring your project to use the existing version of ANCM by setting the AspNetCoreModule property to the value “AspNetCoreModule”, e.g.:


Once the target region has been updated with the latest ANCM version, you can remove that property altogether and redeploy the application to have it switch to using the new ANCM.

This release also adds better 64-bit support for .NET Core in Azure App Service. If you’re running your ASP.NET Core application on .NET Core 2.2 with in-process hosting, you can simply enable the 64-bit option in the Azure Portal and the site will now run in a 64-bit process. For other information on how to run your ASP.NET Core application in a 64-bit process in Azure App Service with other configurations, see this article.

Giving feedback

As always, please provide us feedback by logging issues at https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore. We look forward to hearing from you!

Azure Hybrid Benefit for SQL Server

ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 3

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